believe that poverty is one of the main stressor in the United States of America;
children lives here in Arkansas are being considered living poverty. Most of
our children are falling behind in learning and development in schools and
college education. It is essential for children to receive a good, proper
nurturing meal. They are the ones who fall asleep in class and ashamed to tell
anyone that they do not have food to eat. Another stressor is that some
children do not have clean drinking water this lead to poor health, and poor
hygiene. Most people do not know the meaning of poverty because they
undoubtedly have not come in contact with it, but poverty is a throne in the
side. They have not had the experience of being without simple items such as,
food to eat, clean drinking water, or even a tube of tooth paste to brush their
teeth. In the study, of poverty research has study and found out the meaning
and how many people living in the United States of America lives, in poverty.
Cited in the articles about poverty it tells
the meaning of and give the amount of people living in poverty right here in
the United States of America. Poverty is a state of privation or lack of the
usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. According
to the U.S. Census Bureau data released Tuesday September 13, 2011, the
nation's poverty rate rose to 15.1% (46.2 million) in 2010, up from 14.3%
(approximately 43.6 million) in 2009 and to its highest level since 1993. In
2008, 13.2% (39.8 million) Americans lived in relative poverty. In 2000, the
poverty rate for individuals was 12.2% and for families was 9.3%. Let’s do
better and make this world a better place for our children to live a healthy
and better productive life.
is a group or a person who believe that they superior over another race or
is a weighty issue that we all need to get involve in pushing the issue that
all people are important no matter what’s the color of their skin. It is not
the outside that make a person it is inside that make one self Cedar Tyler
(2012). Even from the beginning of time there has been racism between the
different races. I have not figured it out why people hate people because of
their skin color and I would like to know that answer. Racism is more than
hating a person because of their skin color; it is also about gender, sex,
religious belief, and food. I have discovered that a child never was born being
prejudice, but prejudice is being taught to the child. Like I said before
children environment help make them who they are because children do and say what
they see the adults does. Racism is a weighty issue that we all need to do
Children are being teased every day because of
their skin color. I know this because I see it every day. If the child has a
white father and a black mother the children even some teachers name tag them.
Calling them half- breed this affect the child’s mind because he feel that this
peers treat him different because of his color or race. Yes! Racism is a
concern to me because I feel that every human being is important. I knew how
racist American’s are until there elected an African America President. I
believe that we should look upon a person spirit not upon the color of his
skin. I like the quote of Dr Martin L. King, Jr., “Don’t judge me by the color
of my skin, but by the content of my character.”
Nations, 1992. Report of the United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development, Rio de Janieiro, 3-14 June 1992