Saturday, February 22, 2014

Impacts on Early Emotional Development


                                            Eastern and Southern Africa

The area and world I chose was Eastern and Southern Africa because this area where parents and their young children really need help. These people really face many issues and situations that they cannot conquer themselves. The challenges that these families and children in this region of the world are confronting are very serious. There are the spread of HIV Virus, lack of medicines, no clean drinking water, lack of education, and little or no food, and the lack of shelters.
These challenges experiences might have an effect on children’s emotional wellbeing and development. When a child is sick and not healthy haven’t had a nutrition meal he/she can’t consecrate in the classroom. They fall behind the other students in the class because they are too busy trying to see if they smell bad to the other children and scare they will be bullied by their classmates.
(Laureate Education, Inc. 2010). It’s against the law in the state of Arkansas to even let the teachers know if a child is infected by the HIV Virus. But these children don’t have no sought of idea so the live in fear every day. Most teachers don’t understand about the virus so they treat the child different even when the child not potty trained in their eyes. I see this happen just about every day where I work at just imagine what these people go through over in the Africa.” We’re so quick to say in your elbow Johnny when children sneeze.” What about knowing a child having Aid or HIV will we accept that child? These families, children and the communities are faces hard and critical time.
My personal and professional reflection  that we should all as parents and professionals ourselves apply the” Platinum Rule “Treat other as we want them to treat us.”  Every person need to be respected and deserve to be loved. I have seemed children with behavior issues be treated different from normal children. This shouldn’t even be because we didn’t make ourselves,” It’s God who made us and not ourselves. Every professional that are in the field of education need to examine themselves and see do they have the heart for this job. Because you can’t teach every child the same students are easy to catch on, some don’t want to catch on, and some just need that one- on-one confrontation to catch on. “Don’t fear or worry about having a child with special needs in your classroom, center, or school .See the whole child, not just the hearing impairment, the cerebral palsy, or the autism. Remember they are just Kids.” (Ray, J. A., Pewitt-Kinder, J., & George, S. 2009).
The insights I have learned that we have students in our classroom who are living in poverty and we may never know it.  Give children second at lunch making sure that they have enough during lunch period.  Because families are ashamed to let anyone knows to get help.  I can give out news letters to inform families where to go to get resources.  It’s essential for me to treat these children special and focus my full attention on them. To teach and love them like it’s my last time, have a positive mind that every child is made for learning and development. . I must realize that “A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE.”
Derman- Sparks & Olsen- Edwards, (2010). Anti- Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves.
Ray, J. A., Pewitt- Kinder, J., & George, S. (2009). Partnering with families of children with special needs. YC: Young Children, 64(5), 16-22.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Sexualization of Early Childhood


          Sexualization is one of the most major issues in the United States of America I see this issues just about every day. My reaction to the topic of the sexualization of early childhood it is a major issue in school, in the home, and especially, in the community. I see young children at the age of 4 year old dress up like a grown person. Not only are they dressing like older young ladies they also dancing, singing, walking, and rapping like them. They also are during what they see the adults do in their home environment. Rules and regulations in the home atmosphere had changed since, from the way I was reared up. Dad and mom taught and implanted in all of his 15 children’s “To be a child and when we get to be grown act like you all are grown young ladies and men”. We did not have televisions, computers, IPods, tablets, telephones, or cell phones all of these items are a temptation for this new generation.

Examples: 1. (Too much freedom) Young children as young as 10 have a computer in their bedroom seeing materials, pictures and people that not appropriate for young children. The parents are not checking and seeing what the child is looking at on the computer. 2. (Negative influences) the parents are living any way in front of their children and not being the parents letting the children being the parents. We have to be positive role models to our children because the baby sitters are rearing the children in today society. Parents are dressing their children like strippers and thinking it pretty. Children are going to be children it is up to the parents to take of them. God forbid how today society are rearing up these young children not only Americans but also races gender, religious and ethnic groups of people (Levin & Kilbourne 2009). 3. (Listening) the latest music young children are listening to today. The style of music it is ashamed for parents to let their children hear this loud unholy music. Especially, the rappers they need to be arrested on how they have a negative influence on these young people. The words that proceed out of these rappers mouth should be a law against them. Calling people the N word God forbid, and so do I. You can say what you will or may word bring forth action that is some of the reason while so many of our black children are in trouble today. This is my personal point of view that we as adults need to lay the foundation for young children by being a positive role models, mentors, and advocators. We can not lie on the white men because we can be whatever we want to be no one is holding us down. We are our own worth enemy because “Quitters never wins and winners never quit.”

The implication this may have on children’s healthy development is that it impacts negative influence on children. When children receive negative influences, it brings forward worries especially to the parents. Children want to be like some of these rappers and music makers and will do what the words of the songs say do. Music has spirits carry with it and it like control of the mind. We as parents should make our children number one priority in our lives. Whatever happens to attending church, attending Sunday school, Youth Day’s and hearing the word of God? Whatever happens to the United States of America believing in treating everyone the same? The United States was the most religious nation in the world where the teachers used to pray every morning. When prayer was taken out of school guns, dope, drugs, and alcoholic can in destroying our young children. We as professionals need to sets standards and values to learn how to present ourselves as positive role models. Most children imitate the adults it is essential for as teachers to be positive role models, advocators, and mentors for our young children.

I think that professionals need to take this issue very serious because our children are being growing up in a speedy pace. We should educate ourselves and the young children families. Most families are very young and baby themselves and have no idea about rearing children. Young children are very uneducated in today society and do not take the time to help children with their homework. We have to figure out some ways to help educated these parents, on how to care for their children. I see it every day how young parents are dressing their children like adults. I believe in letting children be children until they grow into adulthood. Ways to influences positive influences is by monitoring what the children watch on TV, and Computers. When children are on the computer or watching TV be their guide in what they see and hear. Make it a PACT Time thing. Parent and Children Time Together.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Evaluating Impacts on Professional Practice

            In today society, many children suffer from racism and sexism they are being picked on by school children every day, some hate to go outside of their home because they are afraid of being picked on or being bullying. Imagine how it must feel to young children being not accepted by the community or society. We as professionals need to cry out against this ism(s) I suffer from a lot of biases such as, being black, having short nappy hair, dumb and a problem in speaking the correct way people want me to speak.

              I remember on one Saturday evening I was coming out of the store and got near to the car, and I reached for the door when I heard a small voice saying “nega”. My heart started to pound in my chest I rushed and open the car door and got in I looked over to my left. There was this older man about sixty years old standing outside of the car where the little small voice came from. I could not believe this man never open his mouth and tell the boy that he was wrong in calling me a racist name. I was about 15 year of age and was judged by the color of my skin. At that moment, I started to hate that man and that little boy also. But as I grew up to become a young lady I had a changing heart, for example, where there was hate I replaced it with love. I can truly say that I have a clean heart, and I love all people of races because I have accepted Jesus Christ into my heart. I am a woman of color, and I love me because there was a time I hated myself. When I heard that little boy called me a nega it made me think. For example: I did not finish college because I though I was dumb and stupid, I started to think about it. I heard and seen a commercial about when life throws you a lemon, turn around and make you some lemonade. Look at me now getting my master’s degree at Walden University one of the best Universities in the United States of America. Look at me being educated by the finest professors in the United States of American.