Saturday, June 8, 2013

Research Around the World

What are some of the current international research topics?

A guide for Effective School and Parent Collaboration: a Cooperative Development and Delivery Approach

This research is about how children reach the benefits when the school –parent develop healthy relationships. Researchers have discovered that when families, school and communities get involve helps the programs operate with the proper standards, and skills to improve the learning and growth of young children needs and development skills.

Assessment of Interaction and Stimulation in Single-Low-Income Families

This research resource is about the interact and stimulation presently taking place in single- mother low-income families. “Research has shown conclusively that children learn more quickly and develop more rapidly during the early childhood years than at any time, particularly if they receive love and affection, attention encouragement en and mental stimulation, as well as nutritious meals and good health care.”
Involving Fathers in Early Childhood Care and Development

This research is about the role fathers’ involvement in child development and care. It is essential for fathers to play a role in upbringing of the children. It is about culture, beliefs and other influences that fathers’ have on their children. It also tells about how the fathers’ have the effect on the grandparents.
What surprising facts/insights/ new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website?

            The insights I gained from this international early childhood website is that it is supported by their own employers and participants. I am amazed because this website explains on how they use face-to-face learning methods. In the homes, web-sites, CD-ROM and print materials and community of learners’ tool among counties and they also has to be certified in working with young children. The website tells the importance of improving the health of children, families, and communities in their countries.

What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?
            I learned that this website is about training and different methods mostly with face-to-face seminars with one year degree. This website focuses information on the importance of leadership and local engagement in support of diversity and social equity in the early years. “The purposes of this website, the Unit’s work are organized into two broad areas: (a) Majority or “Developing” World, including Indigenous communities (b) The Minority or Euro-Western World

MARFO, K., Pence, A., Levine, S. (2011) Strengthening Africa’s contributions to child development research: overview and ways forward. Child Development Perspectives.

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