Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Communication Skills

Think about the similarities and differences between how you and evaluated yourself as a communicator and how others evaluated you.

I do not consider myself as a good communicator, but I do get the points over to people what I want them to know. I have a problem with my speech and pronouncing my words correctly. The best communicating skills I have are being a listener. Sometimes I get too emotional and tend to jump in front when I need to be behind. Other people think that I am a good confident communicator. Because I get many comments after I, have done a speech or talk to the families during school period. I am an Evangelist, and I get to communicate with different people all of the time.
What is the one thing that surprised me you the most?
One thing that surprised me the most is when people come up to me and shake my hand/ or give me a big hug and say to my "O my I enjoyed you today.” Some of my parents say they enjoy communicating with me because I tell them the truth. I am an encouraging person I always like to find positive out of the worth situations. Because my dad’s always told me “Never speak evil or bad of anyone, If you can not find something good about a person, do not say anything about a person negative.”
             So that what I try to do because your words are your bond if people loose confident in you words do not mean a thing. It is essential to be true and real with people to gain their trust in you to develop healthy relationships.

What other insights about communicating did you gain this week?
The insights I have gained are that there are the different communication skills and each stand their own battlefields. We should consider how relevant information is? Communication can help people know who you are and where you stand and determine what individual you are. By means of information are you a positive person or a negative person by the conversation you carry on with them. Words can so let us be hurt, or they can build up a person so let us be careful in what we say and the way we say it.
Being in the field of early childhood education it is essential for all professionals to understand how to communicate with diversity of people. Because there are many races of young children and families that we come in contact with and each family, has their own unique ways of communicating. That means we have to know how to communicate with each other in order to support the children for learning and development. The best book to learn about each child in your classroom is from the child’s mother and daddy. When we become confident communicators this will help develop relationships between the teachers and the child’s parents. We recognize that the parents are their children first teachers when we need information we can help each other to teach the children.
Being in the field of early childhood education professional need to be aware on how important it is to be confident communicators. We need to be confident and interest listeners to what the other person has to say. It is extremely necessary for professionals to become good listeners in order to gain the parents convinced and trust. Most professionals need to comprehend the knowledge on how to develop a healthy relationship with the child’s experts. Using body language, eye contact, nodding of the head, hands to help enhance concerned. Letting the communicator know that you are a concern and interesting in what they are communicating about. We as professionals tend to do all of communication, but we should learn to become confident listeners.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Cultural Diversity

Yes! I do communicate with people differently because of their race, religion, and varying abilities.


I worked with the Migrant Program until September 17, 2013, and they all mostly spoke Spanish. I do not speak Spanish that well, but I know how to use several strategies in communication with them. I use flash cards and some sign languages. I also used labeling every center with Spanish and English. I label toys and items to help the Spanish know what toys and items mean. I have music projects I have them in Spanish music, when I play with the children I use body language by making eye contact and nodding of the head and smiles lot of smiles on my face. I used signs with my hands, arms and facial expressions. I also had a third person in the classroom to interpret what the children say during exercises. Also, when they communicate with me the interpreter tell me what is being saying by the children. I also can speak some Spanish to children from attending different trainings.


I am an evangelist I travel to several places delivering the word of God, and I can not communicate with nonbelievers like I can communicate with believers. Because the nonbelievers does not understand and believe like the believers. That is why I can not communicate the same you have to be soft and gentle with babies. You can not feed babies with meat you have to give them milk until they have reach or grown into maturity. To be religion is having a duty to perform in a faithful manner and belief. Religion is all about carrying out or following understanding and knowledge of a higher feeling about people occur. Religious people you have to communicate with a spirit conversation instead of a physical conversation.


Without sound, people that are unable to communicate with words. There is a young lady work for McDonald and the way she communicate with her customers she has on her name tag. “I can not talk I read lips.” So what I do I speak slowly to her, I hold up three fingers, thumb, pointer, and the little finger. She smiles and hug me and do the same. I want you to do the same and tell me what does it mean? It means I love you; believe it or not she told me that the first time she met me. I was gentle with her, and she saw the expressions on my face and how I used my body language. I did not treat her any differently than the rest of the employees. When you look people in their eyes that expressing that you are sincere about the conversation that is carrying on. We have to understand that people are important and deserve to be treated with the highest respect.


Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2010). 50 Strategies for communicating and working with families.  Upper  Saddle  River,  NJ:  Pearson  Education,Inc.

Beebe, S.  A., &  Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. (2011). Interpersonal communication: Relating to others(6th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn  &  Bacon.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Communication In Different Ways

My experienced and what I have learned about communication and my insights are that information comes in different shapes and forms. It is essential for me as a professional should be concise when communicating with other. We should think before we start to communicate because it is extremely important to gain one trust. Through communication skills, we can get our points over to another person by using the proper channel of communication skills. In order to be an effective communicator we must become a positive listener. ‘’ The old saying two can not talk at the same time.”

We should use the proper body language to help the parents feel comfortable and trustworthy. In this picture, I saw a lot of positive communication feedback being going backward and forward between the two men! My granddaughter favors show Blue Clues, which I love, to watch and play games and sing along with the Steven. In this episode, Steve and the clue was trying to find his hat, which was hiding, under the pillow on the sofa. We notice that there were no sounds that characters were making, but they both was making and using sign languages. We focus on behaviors when it got time for Steve to communicate with a clue and the Audiences he asked questions like” Where is my that hat? Is it behind the sofa? Steve kept feedback well timed and well ensure understanding in their conversation. Then he said look Clue I think it is under the pillow on the sofa.” We noticed that Clue can not communicate with his mouth, but he was making sounds and using language and nodding his head when was spoken to. When they was close in finding Steve's hat than a clue, sound or a mark would appeared where the hat was to let you know that they found the hat.

There was a lot of communication skills was going backward and forward with eye contact, between the characters in the show. Even sometimes Steve would look out at the audience and ask questions about where the hat was. We noticed that Clue avoided interrupting Steve while he was communicating with the Audiences. We also noticed Steve’s facial expression and the nodding of the head in a respectful way; they avoided communicating too much.

I learned about the different form of communication skill besides talking. I learned about how important it is to use positive body language because it is a voice. I saw understanding between Steve and Blue. I noticed how close they were and how they communicated with healthy feelings. When Steve found the hat under the pillow on the sofa, they were very happy and begin to sing and dance together. I have learned that dancing is a language also because it expresses the way you feel about yourself and others.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Effective Communicators

         The person who impressed me the most in my life was Pastor Eugene James Williams. Elder Williams was the pastor of Power House Church of God in Christ and was also my third oldest brother. He is a retired from the Navy and a husband of Elizabeth Williams and the father of two daughters LaTonya Williams A teacher and Zipporah Williams who is a federal lawyer of Memphis, Tennessee. My brother’s would always take the time with us, and we would do whatever he said to do. I have never heard my brother raised his voice at anyone, and he knew how to draw people to him. Pastor Williams used proper communication skills when he talked to people. He expressed himself with the truth, respect, and concern about other feelings. He was an efficient communicator every person he came in contacted with he touched them with his voice of compassion or with a great big smile. He would always tell his siblings to respect him not because he was a preacher but because it just the right thing to do.

           Elder Williams can reach the greatest attitudes whether they were negative or positive. He would also use right body language when communicating with a person. He would look you directly in your eyes and nod at the appropriate time, with a smile just as big as the environment. Elder Eugene Williams communicated with authority, but he expressed himself with the greatest of respect, for even the least of one. I have never seemed pastor Eugene James Williams upset or angry he always has one of the brightest smiles on his face. When people asked him why you are always smiling? He replied, “Laughter does sound like medicine.” I would like to pattern my life by being a true example to all people I come in contact. We as adults have to live and lead by examples and not just for ourselves but for men also. Elder Eugene James Williams had a positive life style he never communicated with negative words and body language. He was the first to go into the Arm Forces and make something out of his life and his two children’s follow in his footsteps. Because he practiced influence, and being a positive role model and by putting his family’s first.
             I would like to pattern my communication behavior after Elder Eugene James Williams because he was a positive influence on people. He believes in diversity not just his own race but all people who came in contact with Elder Williams loved him. He was a family man, putting them first; he was a people person putting them first; most of all he feared God. His favor bible verse was “A soft answer turn away anger but a grievous answer stir up anger.” The person I want to model information behaviors while I live and when I die is Pastor Eugene James Williams. My beloved Brother who I loved and love unto this day. Mom had never whipped or chastised Elder Williams because he was a safe and loveable child. That why I am patterning my life after my brother’s because he was a positive example for all 14 siblings.


National Communication Association. (n. d.). National communication association: Advancing all forms of human communication. Retrieved from