Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Communication Skills

Think about the similarities and differences between how you and evaluated yourself as a communicator and how others evaluated you.

I do not consider myself as a good communicator, but I do get the points over to people what I want them to know. I have a problem with my speech and pronouncing my words correctly. The best communicating skills I have are being a listener. Sometimes I get too emotional and tend to jump in front when I need to be behind. Other people think that I am a good confident communicator. Because I get many comments after I, have done a speech or talk to the families during school period. I am an Evangelist, and I get to communicate with different people all of the time.
What is the one thing that surprised me you the most?
One thing that surprised me the most is when people come up to me and shake my hand/ or give me a big hug and say to my "O my I enjoyed you today.” Some of my parents say they enjoy communicating with me because I tell them the truth. I am an encouraging person I always like to find positive out of the worth situations. Because my dad’s always told me “Never speak evil or bad of anyone, If you can not find something good about a person, do not say anything about a person negative.”
             So that what I try to do because your words are your bond if people loose confident in you words do not mean a thing. It is essential to be true and real with people to gain their trust in you to develop healthy relationships.

What other insights about communicating did you gain this week?
The insights I have gained are that there are the different communication skills and each stand their own battlefields. We should consider how relevant information is? Communication can help people know who you are and where you stand and determine what individual you are. By means of information are you a positive person or a negative person by the conversation you carry on with them. Words can so let us be hurt, or they can build up a person so let us be careful in what we say and the way we say it.
Being in the field of early childhood education it is essential for all professionals to understand how to communicate with diversity of people. Because there are many races of young children and families that we come in contact with and each family, has their own unique ways of communicating. That means we have to know how to communicate with each other in order to support the children for learning and development. The best book to learn about each child in your classroom is from the child’s mother and daddy. When we become confident communicators this will help develop relationships between the teachers and the child’s parents. We recognize that the parents are their children first teachers when we need information we can help each other to teach the children.
Being in the field of early childhood education professional need to be aware on how important it is to be confident communicators. We need to be confident and interest listeners to what the other person has to say. It is extremely necessary for professionals to become good listeners in order to gain the parents convinced and trust. Most professionals need to comprehend the knowledge on how to develop a healthy relationship with the child’s experts. Using body language, eye contact, nodding of the head, hands to help enhance concerned. Letting the communicator know that you are a concern and interesting in what they are communicating about. We as professionals tend to do all of communication, but we should learn to become confident listeners.


  1. Hi Cedar,
    I enjoyed reading your post. You gave some great insight on communication. A good communicator is someone even I do not mind listening to. Professionals should learn to be good communicators to keep young children interested in any subject matter. This will help to create a great learning environment. Great Posting!!

  2. Cedar,
    I agree with your comment that if people lose confidence in you, your words mean nothing. I also think it is the same the other way around. If your words are mean and hurtful, people will not think much of you. I was at a meeting this week with child care centers. There was a Director of a center there that started speaking negatively about a Head Start center in our town. I was immediately turned off and found that kind of talk to be unprofessional and inappropriate at a meeting. We are supposed to be working together for the betterment of children, not tearing each other down. That Director does not have much credibility in my eyes anymore. Sometimes our words are the first impression people get of us. Thanks for always being so positive.
    Mary Jo
