Saturday, September 21, 2013

Cultural Diversity

Yes! I do communicate with people differently because of their race, religion, and varying abilities.


I worked with the Migrant Program until September 17, 2013, and they all mostly spoke Spanish. I do not speak Spanish that well, but I know how to use several strategies in communication with them. I use flash cards and some sign languages. I also used labeling every center with Spanish and English. I label toys and items to help the Spanish know what toys and items mean. I have music projects I have them in Spanish music, when I play with the children I use body language by making eye contact and nodding of the head and smiles lot of smiles on my face. I used signs with my hands, arms and facial expressions. I also had a third person in the classroom to interpret what the children say during exercises. Also, when they communicate with me the interpreter tell me what is being saying by the children. I also can speak some Spanish to children from attending different trainings.


I am an evangelist I travel to several places delivering the word of God, and I can not communicate with nonbelievers like I can communicate with believers. Because the nonbelievers does not understand and believe like the believers. That is why I can not communicate the same you have to be soft and gentle with babies. You can not feed babies with meat you have to give them milk until they have reach or grown into maturity. To be religion is having a duty to perform in a faithful manner and belief. Religion is all about carrying out or following understanding and knowledge of a higher feeling about people occur. Religious people you have to communicate with a spirit conversation instead of a physical conversation.


Without sound, people that are unable to communicate with words. There is a young lady work for McDonald and the way she communicate with her customers she has on her name tag. “I can not talk I read lips.” So what I do I speak slowly to her, I hold up three fingers, thumb, pointer, and the little finger. She smiles and hug me and do the same. I want you to do the same and tell me what does it mean? It means I love you; believe it or not she told me that the first time she met me. I was gentle with her, and she saw the expressions on my face and how I used my body language. I did not treat her any differently than the rest of the employees. When you look people in their eyes that expressing that you are sincere about the conversation that is carrying on. We have to understand that people are important and deserve to be treated with the highest respect.


Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2010). 50 Strategies for communicating and working with families.  Upper  Saddle  River,  NJ:  Pearson  Education,Inc.

Beebe, S.  A., &  Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. (2011). Interpersonal communication: Relating to others(6th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn  &  Bacon.

1 comment:

  1. Cedar,

    Thank you for sharing your testimnet of how you communicate with people. I think most people change how they speak to people; whether it's individuals or groups of people; but like you said you were speaking to "migrant" people, and for you to be understood you had to change your method of communication. In the world of being educators we must also know how to transpose how we deliver our lessons to the children as well, for those who do not speak English as their primary language, may need extra assistance, etc. Because you are able to accomodate when needed, that shows that you are indeed an "effective communicator".

