Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blog: “Start Seeing Diversity Video” Blog: Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

I came up in the fifties girls was allowed neither eat certain food nor wear anything containing to boys. If a girl was caught wearing pants they was labor as being gay or a bull dyke, or a sissy. I now believe that this was a form of being bullying and bring shame upon the child cognitive development. I remember dad would not let his girls eat hog balls and let the boys eat them. In school, the teacher Mrs. AK. Smith would not let the boys play with doll toys. Mrs. Smith,” Would say boys not suppose to play with dolls.” I catch myself saying that until I came to reality boys need to experience the different in gender identity. We have some veteran teachers today working in the Head Start Programs does not believe that girl should play with cars, trucks, and playing football. One teacher told me the other day do not let Bobby play dress up like a girl. “All of his classmates will call him gay, and he will think he is a girl.” Guess What? The very next day sure enough one child called him gay, and Bobby started to cry and feeling sad. I did all in my power to fix the situation. Children learn from what they hear in their environment just like the child called Bobby gay.
I do believe that everyone is a human being and should be treated as one. I think that the parents are not educated on certain issues. I think that it is extremely important for everyone to be given a fair opportunity to learn and study other cultures. I think different books about different gender, gender identity, and sex orientation should be in every school library. It is essential to have these books and materials about different sexes, and genders. How will the children and parents will know the importance of sexualities. We should make no different in who or what we think a person should be in our eye sight. (Louise Derman- Sparks. 2010 p. 93).
If a parent would say to me that he does not want a homosexual or transgender to interact with his child, I would explain to him that we cannot discriminate against school policy. I would also explain to him that we cannot be racist, or bias against anyone. We are a professional agency who gives everyone a chance to help promote the best care for all young children. I would also give him resources and pamphlets and invite him to come to the parent conferences, and parent meetings. To help get educated on being different and we can learn from each other’s. I grew up with boys and today I have more men friends than women friends. Because men do not gossip like women. I trust them more not that I have anything against women it is the way I was reared up. I would a sure him that we will take good care of his child.
Louise Derman- Sparks. 2010. Anti-Bias Education for young children and Ourselves.