Saturday, December 21, 2013

What I have I learned?

One hopes that you have when you think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds.

One hopes that you have when you think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds.
As a professional in the early childhood field setting one component I hope to have is to provide a high-quality education for school readiness. To respect every child’s cultural backgrounds, race, and religion beliefs; to promote the learning skills every child need by inputting all domains in interaction and play. To realize that education is an ongoing tool to help lay the foundations for school readiness.
One goal you would like to set for the early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice.

One goal I would like to set for early childhood field related to issues of diversity, equity, and social justice is to be qualified, knowledgeable in preparing   every young child to be prepared for transition to public school.   To lay the foundation for all young children to develop social- emotional, physical, cognitive and language development in the early years. To assess every young child by observing for support and identify any situation that develops in the child. To work with every young child‘s families to keep them in touch with the growth and development of the children. Know the importance in working with the schedule and structure procedures in everyday activities working with young children.
A brief note of thanks to your colleagues
I would like to think each and every one of my colleagues from the beginning unto the end for all of your support. This had been a wonderful milestone I have accomplished and gained; you all been so helpful and kind hearted. I would like to say,” Continue to gain the knowledge and understanding in supporting all children and families.” Thank you for your responses and wisdom about the information, I needed to be a better professional and accomplishing my goals. Remember my favorite quote is,” Winners never quit, and quitters never win.”

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Start Seeing Diversity Blog: Creating Art

I chose to do a collage because of my sister Betty Ruth Jamison. Betty passed on August 28, 2013 and she left two daughters and a grandson behind. They are the two young ladies who are dress alike. There name is Deride and Windy Jamison, Windy is 39 and Deride is 37. These are Betty sisters and brothers after the funeral. This is my first time I ever did a photo collage.

 I have gained and learned tremendously during this course. I really enjoy working and communicating with the classmates. My classmates have been my supporters since day one. I really enjoyed working with each of the classmates and the professor has being my greater supporter thought out this class. I wish all who read my blog assignment enjoy it because I gave it my all.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Start Seeing Diversity Blog: “We Don’t Say Those Words in Class!”

·       A time when you witnessed an adult (or yourself) reprimand or silence a child after he or she pointed out someone they saw as different.

I remember we were at the Turtle Mall in Jonesboro, Arkansas we walked into Victoria Secret department. When we saw a lady had a tool in her neck and when she spoke she held this little white tool to her neck to communicate with the sale person. My little nephew Nigel said,” Look that lady talk funny nanny.” I expounded by explaining to Nigel what was wrong with the lady that she was sick and she speak different from the way we do. I expounded to Nigel that we help and respect people who are different from we are, and we don’t make funny of anyone.

·         What messages might have been communicated to this child by the adult

The messages I communicated to Nigel was that the lady was not different she needed the tool in her neck to communicate with people. The tool was like when you talk with your mouth the lady has to use the tool to talk. I got a pen from my purse, and I demonstrated to Nigel how the lady used the tool to communicate with people. I placed the pen under my chin and begin to talk to Nigel. I asked him do you understand. Nigel replied,” I got it nanny.” I used the pen, and my neck to give Nigel an example to help him to understand that we are all important. I explained to him just because we talk different there is no less respect for all manner of people.

·         An example of how an anti-bias educator might have responded to support the child’s (or classroom’s) understanding.

It is essential for all educators to respect and support all of the children’s families. It is extremely important for educators to support all children social identity. Supporting all children social identity, cultural, gender, and racial, are important(Derman- Sparks & Ramsey 2006). Educators should learn about the children behaviors by making sure that all children are well respected, and making sure no child is treated unfairly. Bill Martin (1970). The educator can explain to the children by using different materials such as, books, pictures, finger plays, and storytelling about anti- bias. Educators can also put anti-bias in the lesson plan for a topic.


Derman- Sparks, L., & C.B. Phillips, (1997) Teaching/learning anti-racism: A developmental Approach.  New York Teachers College Press.

Derman -Sparks, L. (2004). Culturally Relevant Anti-Bias Education with Young Children.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blog: “Start Seeing Diversity Video” Blog: Gender, Gender Identity, and Sexual Orientation

I came up in the fifties girls was allowed neither eat certain food nor wear anything containing to boys. If a girl was caught wearing pants they was labor as being gay or a bull dyke, or a sissy. I now believe that this was a form of being bullying and bring shame upon the child cognitive development. I remember dad would not let his girls eat hog balls and let the boys eat them. In school, the teacher Mrs. AK. Smith would not let the boys play with doll toys. Mrs. Smith,” Would say boys not suppose to play with dolls.” I catch myself saying that until I came to reality boys need to experience the different in gender identity. We have some veteran teachers today working in the Head Start Programs does not believe that girl should play with cars, trucks, and playing football. One teacher told me the other day do not let Bobby play dress up like a girl. “All of his classmates will call him gay, and he will think he is a girl.” Guess What? The very next day sure enough one child called him gay, and Bobby started to cry and feeling sad. I did all in my power to fix the situation. Children learn from what they hear in their environment just like the child called Bobby gay.
I do believe that everyone is a human being and should be treated as one. I think that the parents are not educated on certain issues. I think that it is extremely important for everyone to be given a fair opportunity to learn and study other cultures. I think different books about different gender, gender identity, and sex orientation should be in every school library. It is essential to have these books and materials about different sexes, and genders. How will the children and parents will know the importance of sexualities. We should make no different in who or what we think a person should be in our eye sight. (Louise Derman- Sparks. 2010 p. 93).
If a parent would say to me that he does not want a homosexual or transgender to interact with his child, I would explain to him that we cannot discriminate against school policy. I would also explain to him that we cannot be racist, or bias against anyone. We are a professional agency who gives everyone a chance to help promote the best care for all young children. I would also give him resources and pamphlets and invite him to come to the parent conferences, and parent meetings. To help get educated on being different and we can learn from each other’s. I grew up with boys and today I have more men friends than women friends. Because men do not gossip like women. I trust them more not that I have anything against women it is the way I was reared up. I would a sure him that we will take good care of his child.
Louise Derman- Sparks. 2010. Anti-Bias Education for young children and Ourselves.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Final Blog


          How my colleagues have supported me?
               It have been a tremendous pleasant during this school year, and I think that all of my colleagues are my family. Because what we have gone through and been in the same class for a period of time. We have taken several classes together, and that make me feel increasable firm and willing to learn from others. My colleagues have supported me in numerous ways than they know. I have learned to have confident in myself, and I can become who I want to. I have obtained to love myself more now because of my confidence has increased during this time period in class. I have learned never be afraid to ask questions if you do not understand about something. It is essential to have confidence and know that whatever do, do it in the moderation of love and humanity. I have learned to honor all men and diversity of people. It take all of the people to make the world go around whether you are black, white, Hispanic or Indians. If we learn to work together, progress will be and will be finish because of the togetherness. I have learned by working together develop friendships and concerns about each other. I can honestly say that since I started this course I have gained many faithful friends through by means of Cyber internet. I remember I posted the wrong analysis and Lizzie sent me an e-mail letting me know that it was the wrong debate. I thank God for my classmates they are unique in my heart and mind.

                   How I have supported my colleagues?
            I have supported my colleagues by being a positive role model to each of them. I help them with the information they needed and by encouraging them when I can. I try to respond to the discussion board. I respond to different posts to the best of my knowledge. I try to encourage my colleagues to the best of my knowledge because we all are working for the same goal to gain and accomplish our Master Degree’s. I want people to know that it is alright to fall as long as, you get back up and conquer the benefits. I want all of my colleagues to understand that quitters never win, and winners never quit. Thank all of you how you all of your response to the discussion board. I want to let each and everyone that I love you all and thank each and every one of you. May God Bless You All!!
               I would like, for all of my colleagues, to know that I pray for you and wishes nothing but the best for you all. I would like to thank the Professor from the bottom of my heart how you gave me an opportunity to be a confident learner. Thank you for being there for me and understanding me when I made mistakes, you build my confidence up with the foundation of learning and development. Again thank you Professor. Most of all I want to thank God for my health and strength for making this far, somebody, did not make it, but God saw fit let me come this far. Thank you God I would like, for my colleagues, to keep in touch with me. This information to reach me by e-mail—

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Last Good-Byes

            In my first group project, it did not go so well because everything went wrong for me. My computer was acting up because I did not realize that I needed to download adobe on my computer. The leader was upset with me and went and reported me to the teacher. She and another member was conversation me and another member in the study. I thought it was very unprofessional. But the teacher took care of it and explained to me that I need to download the adobe on my computer. The team leader and her partner asked me to forgive them which I did. But there was no trust, respect, and no listening skills in this project especially, on the team leader side.

After everything was completed, and we began the project individuals has to do something in the design. It was four of us my duty was getting the information we needed for our project. I was very shocked and surprised when team leader Sharon and the members agree to go with School Bullying for our topic for the project. I went to Blytheville high school and got the School Bullying Policy. We began to gather the information we needed to put the plan together. When everyone put their minds, heads, and energy together as a team, the leader did her part. Everyone began to communicate and asking questions about the project. When one could not find or accomplish their part, we would volunteer and help get the project together.

We did an excellent job I was excited about working together with people I did not even know. But at this moment we began to feel like we were at home. We knew that the end was near, and we did not want it to come to the finish line not just yet. We did not want it to end because everyone started to communicate and dialogue lead to relationships. This is what I gained in this project forever friendship between the people I collaborated with during this project. I hated for this section of my life to end because I learned that when people communicate with each other they form a bond. When we come together, we can conquer anything we set minds to. It is very hard to say good-bye when you get to know the people you are working with. Because you have grown closer through by means of communication.


OHair & Wiemann, ( 2012), p. 278.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Disagreements/Conflicts


         On September 30th 2013, I was called to the central office where the center Director needed to see and communicate with me. It was 1:00pm when I came into the office and sat down Mrs. Scott came in and asked how are you? I replied, “Bless and thankful.” Mrs. Scott told me that she wanted me to go and work at this new place called Focus. I have been employed by MCAEOC going on 13 years, and I have never had a steady job area. I have to trained people and never get paid for it, so I was just fed up with the bounding around. I tried to explain to Mrs. Scott that my granddaughter was going to the center where I worked at. I have gone through a divorce, and I just wanted her to understand. She told me that was I concerned about getting my granddaughter home. I told her that I was not complaining, but I just needed her to understand about the situation about the time. Leah had to be picked up from school. I just wanted her to just have a little compassion on me and granddaughter.

We was In that office about two and a half hours discussing the move to focus. I knew it was not being fair to me being switched around like a piece of trash. I was just hurt because Mrs. Scott has taken my classroom. Gave it to these two teachers who do not know what they are doing. So I seem that I was not getting nowhere with Mrs. Scott, so I decided to take the matter into my own hands. I said, “How many are you going to pay me when I leave to focus?” I knew if I can get her to focus on salary wise I was not going anywhere. She told me there was no money and why did I need to ask that question. I asked do I think I need the race and that thing was on a freeze. The other strategy was talk with a soft voice and show kindness and appreciation. I made a statement that I said to Mrs. Scott.” If I do not look good, you want look good.” I put the ‘’Platinum Rule to treat other as I want them to treat you.” I saw that I was not getting anywhere with Mrs. Scott, so I decided to use the three 3’s respect, reciprocal, and responsive interaction. I began to show respect because she is my employer and saying yes madam, and no madam. When I began to use these strategies, I got what I wanted to stay at my center. Mrs. Scott decided to send me back to my center where I belong. Because I was honest and professional by telling her the way I feel about her and the way she handles situations. I just wanted to be treated fairly and justice.


Rosenberg   M. (2000) Raising Children Compassionately

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Communication Skills

Think about the similarities and differences between how you and evaluated yourself as a communicator and how others evaluated you.

I do not consider myself as a good communicator, but I do get the points over to people what I want them to know. I have a problem with my speech and pronouncing my words correctly. The best communicating skills I have are being a listener. Sometimes I get too emotional and tend to jump in front when I need to be behind. Other people think that I am a good confident communicator. Because I get many comments after I, have done a speech or talk to the families during school period. I am an Evangelist, and I get to communicate with different people all of the time.
What is the one thing that surprised me you the most?
One thing that surprised me the most is when people come up to me and shake my hand/ or give me a big hug and say to my "O my I enjoyed you today.” Some of my parents say they enjoy communicating with me because I tell them the truth. I am an encouraging person I always like to find positive out of the worth situations. Because my dad’s always told me “Never speak evil or bad of anyone, If you can not find something good about a person, do not say anything about a person negative.”
             So that what I try to do because your words are your bond if people loose confident in you words do not mean a thing. It is essential to be true and real with people to gain their trust in you to develop healthy relationships.

What other insights about communicating did you gain this week?
The insights I have gained are that there are the different communication skills and each stand their own battlefields. We should consider how relevant information is? Communication can help people know who you are and where you stand and determine what individual you are. By means of information are you a positive person or a negative person by the conversation you carry on with them. Words can so let us be hurt, or they can build up a person so let us be careful in what we say and the way we say it.
Being in the field of early childhood education it is essential for all professionals to understand how to communicate with diversity of people. Because there are many races of young children and families that we come in contact with and each family, has their own unique ways of communicating. That means we have to know how to communicate with each other in order to support the children for learning and development. The best book to learn about each child in your classroom is from the child’s mother and daddy. When we become confident communicators this will help develop relationships between the teachers and the child’s parents. We recognize that the parents are their children first teachers when we need information we can help each other to teach the children.
Being in the field of early childhood education professional need to be aware on how important it is to be confident communicators. We need to be confident and interest listeners to what the other person has to say. It is extremely necessary for professionals to become good listeners in order to gain the parents convinced and trust. Most professionals need to comprehend the knowledge on how to develop a healthy relationship with the child’s experts. Using body language, eye contact, nodding of the head, hands to help enhance concerned. Letting the communicator know that you are a concern and interesting in what they are communicating about. We as professionals tend to do all of communication, but we should learn to become confident listeners.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Cultural Diversity

Yes! I do communicate with people differently because of their race, religion, and varying abilities.


I worked with the Migrant Program until September 17, 2013, and they all mostly spoke Spanish. I do not speak Spanish that well, but I know how to use several strategies in communication with them. I use flash cards and some sign languages. I also used labeling every center with Spanish and English. I label toys and items to help the Spanish know what toys and items mean. I have music projects I have them in Spanish music, when I play with the children I use body language by making eye contact and nodding of the head and smiles lot of smiles on my face. I used signs with my hands, arms and facial expressions. I also had a third person in the classroom to interpret what the children say during exercises. Also, when they communicate with me the interpreter tell me what is being saying by the children. I also can speak some Spanish to children from attending different trainings.


I am an evangelist I travel to several places delivering the word of God, and I can not communicate with nonbelievers like I can communicate with believers. Because the nonbelievers does not understand and believe like the believers. That is why I can not communicate the same you have to be soft and gentle with babies. You can not feed babies with meat you have to give them milk until they have reach or grown into maturity. To be religion is having a duty to perform in a faithful manner and belief. Religion is all about carrying out or following understanding and knowledge of a higher feeling about people occur. Religious people you have to communicate with a spirit conversation instead of a physical conversation.


Without sound, people that are unable to communicate with words. There is a young lady work for McDonald and the way she communicate with her customers she has on her name tag. “I can not talk I read lips.” So what I do I speak slowly to her, I hold up three fingers, thumb, pointer, and the little finger. She smiles and hug me and do the same. I want you to do the same and tell me what does it mean? It means I love you; believe it or not she told me that the first time she met me. I was gentle with her, and she saw the expressions on my face and how I used my body language. I did not treat her any differently than the rest of the employees. When you look people in their eyes that expressing that you are sincere about the conversation that is carrying on. We have to understand that people are important and deserve to be treated with the highest respect.


Gonzalez-Mena, J. (2010). 50 Strategies for communicating and working with families.  Upper  Saddle  River,  NJ:  Pearson  Education,Inc.

Beebe, S.  A., &  Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. (2011). Interpersonal communication: Relating to others(6th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn  &  Bacon.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Communication In Different Ways

My experienced and what I have learned about communication and my insights are that information comes in different shapes and forms. It is essential for me as a professional should be concise when communicating with other. We should think before we start to communicate because it is extremely important to gain one trust. Through communication skills, we can get our points over to another person by using the proper channel of communication skills. In order to be an effective communicator we must become a positive listener. ‘’ The old saying two can not talk at the same time.”

We should use the proper body language to help the parents feel comfortable and trustworthy. In this picture, I saw a lot of positive communication feedback being going backward and forward between the two men! My granddaughter favors show Blue Clues, which I love, to watch and play games and sing along with the Steven. In this episode, Steve and the clue was trying to find his hat, which was hiding, under the pillow on the sofa. We notice that there were no sounds that characters were making, but they both was making and using sign languages. We focus on behaviors when it got time for Steve to communicate with a clue and the Audiences he asked questions like” Where is my that hat? Is it behind the sofa? Steve kept feedback well timed and well ensure understanding in their conversation. Then he said look Clue I think it is under the pillow on the sofa.” We noticed that Clue can not communicate with his mouth, but he was making sounds and using language and nodding his head when was spoken to. When they was close in finding Steve's hat than a clue, sound or a mark would appeared where the hat was to let you know that they found the hat.

There was a lot of communication skills was going backward and forward with eye contact, between the characters in the show. Even sometimes Steve would look out at the audience and ask questions about where the hat was. We noticed that Clue avoided interrupting Steve while he was communicating with the Audiences. We also noticed Steve’s facial expression and the nodding of the head in a respectful way; they avoided communicating too much.

I learned about the different form of communication skill besides talking. I learned about how important it is to use positive body language because it is a voice. I saw understanding between Steve and Blue. I noticed how close they were and how they communicated with healthy feelings. When Steve found the hat under the pillow on the sofa, they were very happy and begin to sing and dance together. I have learned that dancing is a language also because it expresses the way you feel about yourself and others.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Effective Communicators

         The person who impressed me the most in my life was Pastor Eugene James Williams. Elder Williams was the pastor of Power House Church of God in Christ and was also my third oldest brother. He is a retired from the Navy and a husband of Elizabeth Williams and the father of two daughters LaTonya Williams A teacher and Zipporah Williams who is a federal lawyer of Memphis, Tennessee. My brother’s would always take the time with us, and we would do whatever he said to do. I have never heard my brother raised his voice at anyone, and he knew how to draw people to him. Pastor Williams used proper communication skills when he talked to people. He expressed himself with the truth, respect, and concern about other feelings. He was an efficient communicator every person he came in contacted with he touched them with his voice of compassion or with a great big smile. He would always tell his siblings to respect him not because he was a preacher but because it just the right thing to do.

           Elder Williams can reach the greatest attitudes whether they were negative or positive. He would also use right body language when communicating with a person. He would look you directly in your eyes and nod at the appropriate time, with a smile just as big as the environment. Elder Eugene Williams communicated with authority, but he expressed himself with the greatest of respect, for even the least of one. I have never seemed pastor Eugene James Williams upset or angry he always has one of the brightest smiles on his face. When people asked him why you are always smiling? He replied, “Laughter does sound like medicine.” I would like to pattern my life by being a true example to all people I come in contact. We as adults have to live and lead by examples and not just for ourselves but for men also. Elder Eugene James Williams had a positive life style he never communicated with negative words and body language. He was the first to go into the Arm Forces and make something out of his life and his two children’s follow in his footsteps. Because he practiced influence, and being a positive role model and by putting his family’s first.
             I would like to pattern my communication behavior after Elder Eugene James Williams because he was a positive influence on people. He believes in diversity not just his own race but all people who came in contact with Elder Williams loved him. He was a family man, putting them first; he was a people person putting them first; most of all he feared God. His favor bible verse was “A soft answer turn away anger but a grievous answer stir up anger.” The person I want to model information behaviors while I live and when I die is Pastor Eugene James Williams. My beloved Brother who I loved and love unto this day. Mom had never whipped or chastised Elder Williams because he was a safe and loveable child. That why I am patterning my life after my brother’s because he was a positive example for all 14 siblings.


National Communication Association. (n. d.). National communication association: Advancing all forms of human communication. Retrieved from

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Professional Hope and Goals

·         One hopes that you have when you think about working with children and families who comes from diverse backgrounds.
         It is required for all professionals be knowledgeable and experienced in the practices in caring for young children. We as child providers must learn how to develop healthy relationships between parents and families. We must never forget how much valuable information we can learn about the children we take care. The best information we can receive about the children are through by communication skills. I hope to be a positive role model for both the parents and children. I hope to learn how to present myself when communicating to young children and families. It is necessary for me as a professional never use negative body language. I expect to be the best successful professional that I can be. My biggest hope is to meet all of my professors who help me to thrive and accomplish my goals.

·         One goal you would like to set for the early childhood field related to issued of diversity, equity, and social justice.

One goal I would like to establish is providing care for young children to fulfill my obligation. To pursue ongoing training opportunities for me to maintain a quality profession in early childhood education field. To be prepared by trainings, workshops, conferences and meetings to help build cognitive skills. To help lay the foundations for all young children from families to face challenges and influences and set goals for themselves. I need to be qualified with the proper credentials, knowledge, and experiences to promote positive values outcomes. To ensure the best quality care for all young children who families are culturally diverse and understand that all children have different learning experiences strengthens, styles, and needs.
Hyson, M. ed. 2003. Preparing Early Childhood Professionals. Washington, DC: 7. NHEYC Ibid.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Welcoming Families From Around the World

  • The  name ofyourfamily’s country of original
The name of my family’s country of origin is Mexico because each year during this time I work with the migrant and I need to learn as much as, possible. There are several challenges in working with the migrant programs. One is the language some Spanish children only speak Spanish no English. Some migrant children’s speak both English and Spanish this can be enormous situation if you happen to be equipped for this duty. Label your entire center with two languages English and Spanish. If you can not speak Spanish a third person need to be placed in your class who know how to speak or interpreter the languages in the classroom. Make sure you secure the classroom with different diverse settings. Diversity will help support the families, teachers, and children. This will help ensure a safe and hazard free classroom environment.

·         At least five ways in which you will prepare yourself to be culturally responsive towards this family.

1.      To learn and study about their cultural background Mexicans are known for their kindness and hospitality. They are the descendants of the Aztecs, and Mayas Mexican people have strong artistic skills.

2.      To learn about the history and famous Mexican people Don Benito Juarez was born in Oaxaca in 1806. Mr. Don Benito Juarez helps Mexico to be successful in economy levels during his presidency. During 1831, he became the president of Mexico Mr. Juarez helped Mexico to grow tremendously during his reign in the president of Mexico.(Juarez, 1831).

3.       Respecting each religious views such as, Mexican worship several different gods and believe in the custom of Baptist. 89% of Mexican is of the Catholic belief. It is essential for all teachers to learn about every child’s religion beliefs to discover if they celebrate them or not. Because this helps to be prepared to help protect the child’s and family.

4.      To learn about the food Mexican foods eat and serve Mexicans like their food spicy. Mexican has favor types of different food such as chocolate, peanuts, beans, coconuts, and tomatoes. Most Mexican love corn and chili because of the texture of the food. Because, at the end of each month, we have to a nutrition experiment. This will give me an opportunity to do an experiment with Mexican foods such as, tacos salads, chili and beans dish for everyone to enjoy.

5.      To learn about the country of Mexico is the most visited countries in the entire world. Considering the friendly people, high quality food, and the clothing’s Mexican wear.

This can be another experiment in celebrating holidays, or dress up day. Having each student to dress up like their family’s cultures. (Juarez, 1831).

·         A brief statement describing in what ways you hope that these preparations  will benefit both  you and the family

I hope these preparations will benefit both me and family by being a better qualified educator.
I can apply the knowledge that I have gained and put it together with the family can develop all young children with better learning and development skills.
To improve relationships between families and respect all individual religion beliefs, and backgrounds.
To learn from both teachers and families about the children weaknesses and strengthens to know what level the child need help
Article: Boutte, G. (2008). Beyond the illusion of diversity: How early childhood teachers can promote social justice. Social Studies. 99(4). 165—175.
Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete datebase

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Personal Side of Bias, Prejudice, and Oppression

           My memory I have of an incident I had experienced bias, prejudice, and oppression is when I was about 12 or 13 years of age. I remember I would be so excited when dad would come home riding in the wagon. I would be waiting for my dads’ I would be so excited sitting on the front porch. When I see that wagon coming. I would jump off the porch I could not wait for dad to get to the house. I would go meet my dads’ my oldest brothers’ would get so angry with me. Called me the worst name I could hear. Joseph would jump off that wagon and go into the house. My heart will just be so sad, and Cousin Leroy would take his penis out every time, and wet in my face. I will just take my hands and cover my face cousin Leroy just laugh in my face. I would not never tell dad because I was afraid that dad would go away, and I would not see him no more. My cousin was bias against me because I was loved dad, and he loved my sister’s Earnestine.

            The ways bias, prejudice and oppression the incident diminish equity Joseph did not like or accepted the fact that I was not old enough to go to the field. Cousin Leroy could not deal with that I loved dad, and I was excited to see dad. Cousin Leroy shown bias toward me for my sister Earnestine. Because she was his favor, and he hated me because of love for my dad’s. This incident brought me up by never to have a respected person and people will hate you because of that three letter word LOVE. I taught me to love people even if they do not love. Because it is not what people do to me it is what I do to people that what matter.

            I think that my brother’s and Cousin Leroy because of the hate they had toward me. Only because I was a young child and was not able to go and work in the field. Cousin Leroy hated me because I would never go and visit him, but I chose to stay with dad. After all these were two grown people they should have known better. I was just a child and just wanted to be with my best friend, dad the man. Most people were bias toward dad because he was a black man but dad loved his children.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

When I was about 15 years of age I had a sexual experiment I encountered, and I pray that no young child has to experience. This man was my dad’s best friend the friend that ate, went fishing, and even went to church with dad. I remember dad’s best friend name was Jimmie Lee Harris. My dad loved this man he could not see no wrong in him. This man would come over dad’s house about three times a week. Mr. Harris would call me over to the sofa and would say "here you go some candy". When dad wasn't looking he would take my hand and force me to touch him inappropriately. My dad would ask him to take me into town to get some food, or other items. Dad would have me to go with Mr. Harris every time. I did not want to go because I know that I would have to get ready for a fight or struggle. I use to hate when he used to put his hands on me trying to kiss me I would not let him touch me. Mr. Harris begins to fondle me and say nasty words to me I told him I was going to tell my daddy, but he tricked me and said "he will not believe you."

 Oh how I cried we wrestled for the longest than he just stopped. I was determined that Mr. Harris was not going to rape me. Where he taken me it was so dark that it seem like you can feel the darkness. I can not tell anyone where he took me because of the darkness. I was afraid to tell my dad because I knew dad was going to do something dangerous to Mr. Harris. I did not want my dad to go to jail and be away from the family. I love my daddy I would have given my life for my dad. My dad's best friend tried to rape me. I experienced sexual assault I felt so guilty I started to accuse myself. Mr. Harris poison my mind he said I was to blame. I felt so alone, horrified, and afraid, if I tell dad, I’ll lose my best friend if I was to tell my mom she would wouldn't believe me and thought I would make something up. I was between a rock and a hard place. I found myself as the target of micro aggression sexuality because Mr. Harris would repeat fondling me over and over again. I was terrified this sexual experiment does corrupt young children state of mind.

I have learned that the effects of discriminations, prejudice and/or stereotypes on people are very critical. People are not born with the spirit of hate they are taught to hate. We as parents and teachers should work together in supporting a healthy environment. Because children have feelings also; they know when they are being discriminated. Discriminations are when we as teachers does not input the knowledge the children and ourselves need to support a healthy environment. I do believe when we do not put forward our best efforts to understand every child has the right for a positive education. I have learned that prejudice is like a disease it goes down deep in the innermost being, and it will destroy you. I have learned that children or people are not born prejudice they are taught to be prejudice. I believe that this is unfair to young children when we make up their minds for them. I have learned about being stereotypes on people that we as individuals have the right to believe in what we want to. Stereotypes are a different group races or individuals who make certain judgment about people and not knowing the people. An example of stereotypes is that all black people are uneducated, or all white people with blue eyes are devils. Both examples are not true and irrelevant. We should respect all people. We as grownups need to model positive examples for the younger society.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Perspectives on Diversity and Culture

The person I communicated with was Ms. Willingham, Ms. Ross, and Mrs. Hancock. I Ms. Willingham communicated with me person-to- person because we work together. Ms. Willingham said, "Culture is the behaviors and beliefs such as, food, dress, music, language, and holidays. Diversity means everyone is not the same and a person is unique in their own ways." Mrs. Hancock said, "Culture is the elements of language, behavior, and values of a group of people." She stated, "Diversity is a group of people race, religious, language, and beliefs.” Ms. Ross said, “My definition of culture is the beliefs, language, values, norms, behaviors, and material objects that are important enough to pass on the future generation." Ms. Ross said, "my definition for diversity is a variety of different objects.”

            I truly agree that culture come in many different forms and in everything we do have to do with culture. The food we eat the cloths we wear, the way we move our bodies have to deal with culture. Example: Culture has many of rules and qualities such as, how different families raise their children. The Hispanic raises their children to respect their elders, not to look the adults in the eyes when being spoken to. African-American believes strongly in religious beliefs. As young as 6 months, infants demonstrate that they notice differences in skin color (Katz & Kofkin 1997).

 Toddler begins to notice and comment on gender and racial differences. By age 2, children are using appropriate gender labels (girl, boy) and learning color names, which they begin to apply to skin color (Ramsey 2004). Example: Asking questions gender, racial identity, and language. By age 4, they begin to show awareness of family structures and economic class differences (Tatum 2003). Example: Why is that boy skin's is black? Between 3-5, children become very concern about their bodies and how it grows (Ramey 2004). One aspect is teaching children to become racial by the environment that surrounding them. Children learn from adults and the surrounding environment the children live in. This helps the child to become bias and lead to prejudice. Not recognizing children with disabilities and giving out negative ideas about them. Example: If a child has a disease he will be treated different from the other class. (Ramsey 2004).

My thinking about the different definitions has encouraged me because the definition was mainly the same meaning. This let me know the teachers know what the meaning of culture and diversity is. It is essential for all professionals in the field of Early Childhood Education are important to know every child’s culture and especially your own culture. This will help empower the class with the education they need for learning and development skills. (Ramsey 2004).

Saturday, July 13, 2013

My Family Culture

There are several items that I Hold close and dear to my heart, but the three items that I would choose are my family’s Bible, my dad’s picture, and my dad’s antique watch.
Dad was both mom and dad to his children at some point in our lives. There were times I do not remember mom being around for some reasons I cannot record mom being in the home at some period of time. Dad was there all the time in the home cooking, cleaning, bathing and making should his children had something to eat. My dad and mom were the parents of 9 girls and 6 boys making the total of 15 children. We was very poor, but dad was a hunter and killed animals most of time for food for the children to eat. Dad took the time out and taught each one of his children how to hunter and clean animals for food. I remember he would place me on his knee and sing gospel songs to me. My dad was an alcoholic, but he never touched his children the wrong way. My dad stopped drinking, and at the age of 88 he became a Christian, and at the age of 104 he went to be with the Lord. My dad married mom when she was 13, and he was 25, they were married for 66 years.

The family’s Bible is extremely important to me because it holds important dates and names of relatives both birthdays and deaths. It is also a guide to me because dad taught us to study and believe in the Bible.

            My dad’s watch is essential to me because dad used to spit on the ground and order us to go to the well and make it back home from the well before the spit dried up. We would run to the well and get that water and make it back home before the spit dried up. The watch is necessary because I would never demand my daughter to do something like that. I know my dad meant well back in time but in today society that is a form of child abuse.

I would give up my dad’s picture and my dad’s watch, and I would keep the Holy Bible because of faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. I would need faith to live in a need environment. In times like these, we need an angle; in time like these we need the Bible.

I learned when we communicate with each other we develop relationships and learn from each other. When we all put what we know together it turn out to be a great environment. When we help and support each other we learn more freely and after all two heads is better than one.


Chang, H.N.L. 1963. Affirming children‘s roots: Cultural and Linguistic diversity in early child care and education. Oakland, CA: California Tomorrow.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

When I Think of Research

What insights have you gained about research from taking this course?

            I have gained that in the process of early childhood is a combined information and experience in working on different diverse base of topics. I have learned that research give me an opportunity to get to ask questions and get to know the people and their environments. Research is about learning and getting the insights and knowledge to in understanding different participants, children, and adults. Research also gains relationships between researchers and the participants. I totally agree with the statement of Aubrey and colleagues. As Aubrey and colleagues (2000) write, ‘researchers need to be clear about their roles and the responsibilities towards the people involved – including themselves- and to the research process’ (2000, p. 142).

In what ways have your ideas about nature of doing research change?

            My nature of doing research change by understanding the process and knowledge in doing the research. You must consider the participants ethics situation and understand that the researcher can be a positive influence to the children. Research can be what I make it can be negative, or it can be a positive. Those observations are finding out the weakness and strengths of the children. My understanding has changed by knowing what research means finding out about things and why they appear by asking questions. Researchers collect and gather information and have their own ideas in doing the research.

What lesson about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood did you learn?

            The lesson I have learn that planning, designing and conducting research in early childhood is that any research take time in preparing it. Research will have data process to accomplish your goals. The researchers need to know how many the participants, and how the data is being collected, and the characteristics they will have. Plan by starting with a hypothesis rather remaining open to a range of possibilities and discoveries as the study unfold. Every research should be well put together ideas of knowledge that you will used from start to finish. Every researchers need to think and plan ahead before they do the research. Special care needs to be taken in acknowledging the contributions of all in any publications or presentations, and each member of the research team should be fully informed in advance about the details about the research and the expectations of the different roles (Mac Naughton and Hughes, 2009, p.84).

What were some of the challenges you encountered-and in what ways did you meet them?

            One challenge I encountered was asking research questions and understanding on how to ask them. Time is a great deal in researching a study and getting people to participating. I study the meaning about my research question is determined on how well my research project turns out. The best thing to learn is to get understanding and knowledge about the situation about the situation. The only thing I know and work for me is just make or take time, sometime you have to just take time out and just do the research.

What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course?

As a professional in the early childhood field, my perceptions have been modified by information. I have learned more in this class about different research and understanding on how to collect and prepare for the research. Learning different approaches in the research studies not just one but several to see which work the best. Research is very important in find out information about different families’ ethics, and developing relationships. Learning about the children likes and dislikes and how they learn in different interactions activities and their wellbeing.(Mac Naughton and Hughes, 2009,p.84).


Mac Naughton, G. and Hughes, p.2009 Doing Action Research in Early Childhood Studies, Open University Press, Berkshire. This book has suggestions about how to overcome the particular ethical challenges posed by action research.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Research Around the World

What are some of the current international research topics?

A guide for Effective School and Parent Collaboration: a Cooperative Development and Delivery Approach

This research is about how children reach the benefits when the school –parent develop healthy relationships. Researchers have discovered that when families, school and communities get involve helps the programs operate with the proper standards, and skills to improve the learning and growth of young children needs and development skills.

Assessment of Interaction and Stimulation in Single-Low-Income Families

This research resource is about the interact and stimulation presently taking place in single- mother low-income families. “Research has shown conclusively that children learn more quickly and develop more rapidly during the early childhood years than at any time, particularly if they receive love and affection, attention encouragement en and mental stimulation, as well as nutritious meals and good health care.”
Involving Fathers in Early Childhood Care and Development

This research is about the role fathers’ involvement in child development and care. It is essential for fathers to play a role in upbringing of the children. It is about culture, beliefs and other influences that fathers’ have on their children. It also tells about how the fathers’ have the effect on the grandparents.
What surprising facts/insights/ new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website?

            The insights I gained from this international early childhood website is that it is supported by their own employers and participants. I am amazed because this website explains on how they use face-to-face learning methods. In the homes, web-sites, CD-ROM and print materials and community of learners’ tool among counties and they also has to be certified in working with young children. The website tells the importance of improving the health of children, families, and communities in their countries.

What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?
            I learned that this website is about training and different methods mostly with face-to-face seminars with one year degree. This website focuses information on the importance of leadership and local engagement in support of diversity and social equity in the early years. “The purposes of this website, the Unit’s work are organized into two broad areas: (a) Majority or “Developing” World, including Indigenous communities (b) The Minority or Euro-Western World

MARFO, K., Pence, A., Levine, S. (2011) Strengthening Africa’s contributions to child development research: overview and ways forward. Child Development Perspectives.